The Top Urdu Quotes for Language Learners

Have you ever encountered a quote that moved you to think more deeply about something or motivated you to start walking another path in life? Quotes can be very influential, spurring individuals and even entire communities into action.

Quotes from different language backgrounds reflect the socio-cultural norms and values of different nations. Luckily for you as a language learner, the Urdu language in particular is quite rich in the field of quotes, with many Pakistani people opting to express themselves through popular Urdu quotes when the situation allows for it.

In this article, you’ll learn a variety of Urdu quotes on life, as well as life’s many aspects and experiences. 

Are you ready? Then let’s get to it.

Best Urdu Quotes On Life | Zindagi 2025

The Power of Urdu Quotes on Life

Urdu quotes on life have a unique way of capturing the rhythm of existence, evoking deep emotions and offering hope during times of struggle. These quotes reflect experience, providing suggestions and direction for a deeper understanding of life. Whether you seek reflection, a mood boost, or guidance through tough times, these words can inspire and empower you.

Lessons from Urdu Quotes

  1. Victory and Defeats: One quote reminds us that to achieve a great victory, we must not fear small defeatsMistakes are part of the journey, helping us learn and grow. Never give up on your dreams, as setbacks are temporary.

  2. Value and Respect: Another quote encourages us to leave places or relationships where we are not valued. Seek environments that foster growth and respect.

  3. Character and Time: Time reveals true character. Our actions and choices define us, not first impressions.

  4. Challenges and Rewards: Life’s challenges are tougher than school, but they bring richer rewards. Embrace them as opportunities to learn.

  5. Reality and Faith: The physical world is not the ultimate reality. Life tests our faith and decisions, urging us to look beyond the surface.

Overcoming Fear and Building Resilience

Urdu quotes often address fear, urging us to fear God rather than social disapproval. They remind us of the power of words—use them wisely to build, not destroy. Patiencetolerance, and ignoring trivial matters can make life easier.

The Essence of Good Deeds and Gratitude

Life is compared to ice—spend it in good deeds or watch it melt away. Happiness and positivity come from helping others. Express gratitude to loved ones while you can; don’t wait until it’s too late.

Living in the Present

Focus on the present moment and what you can control. Let go of the past and future anxieties. This mindset brings inner peace and contentment.

Trust and True Colors

Not everyone can be trusted. Some people reveal their true colors when given the opportunity. Stay cautious and discerning in relationships.

Happiness Through Others

True happiness lies in making others happy. The joy you bring to others enriches your own life.

The Unconditional Love of Parents

No matter what happens, your parents will always stand by you. Their love is unparalleled and unconditional.

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Best 20 Urdu Quotes On Life | Zindagi 2025

The Power of Urdu Quotes on Life

Urdu quotes on life have a unique way of capturing the rhythm of existence, evoking deep emotions and offering hope during times of struggle. These quotes reflect experience, providing suggestions and direction for a deeper understanding of life. Whether you seek reflection, a mood boost, or guidance through tough times, these words can inspire and empower you.

Lessons from Urdu Quotes

  1. Victory and Defeats: One quote reminds us that to achieve a great victory, we must not fear small defeatsMistakes are part of the journey, helping us learn and grow. Never give up on your dreams, as setbacks are temporary.

  2. Value and Respect: Another quote encourages us to leave places or relationships where we are not valued. Seek environments that foster growth and respect.

  3. Character and Time: Time reveals true character. Our actions and choices define us, not first impressions.

  4. Challenges and Rewards: Life’s challenges are tougher than school, but they bring richer rewards. Embrace them as opportunities to learn.

  5. Reality and Faith: The physical world is not the ultimate reality. Life tests our faith and decisions, urging us to look beyond the surface.

Overcoming Fear and Building Resilience

Urdu quotes often address fear, urging us to fear God rather than social disapproval. They remind us of the power of words—use them wisely to build, not destroy. Patiencetolerance, and ignoring trivial matters can make life easier.

The Essence of Good Deeds and Gratitude

Life is compared to ice—spend it in good deeds or watch it melt away. Happiness and positivity come from helping others. Express gratitude to loved ones while you can; don’t wait until it’s too late.

Living in the Present

Focus on the present moment and what you can control. Let go of the past and future anxieties. This mindset brings inner peace and contentment.

Trust and True Colors

Not everyone can be trusted. Some people reveal their true colors when given the opportunity. Stay cautious and discerning in relationships.

Happiness Through Others

True happiness lies in making others happy. The joy you bring to others enriches your own life.

The Unconditional Love of Parents

No matter what happens, your parents will always stand by you. Their love is unparalleled and unconditional.

The Power of Urdu Quotes

Urdu quotes have a unique way of touching the heart, offering comforting words that inspire confidence and bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re looking for lessons to navigate life’s challenges or seeking positive emotions to lift your mood, these quotes provide strength and encouragement. Share them on your WhatsApp status or social media to spread their inspiration.

Lessons from Urdu Quotes

  1. Journeys and Challenges: Some journeys are tough not because of physical distance but because of emotional challenges. These quotes remind us to stay strong even when the path feels difficult.

  2. Importance of Attention: Many people forget to give importance and attention to those who truly matter. These quotes encourage us to value the people around us.

  3. Love and Respect: Begging for love is worse than poison. True love comes naturally, and respect is earned through actions and behavior.

  4. Hypocrites and TrustHypocrites often win trust only to betray it. Be cautious of those who pretend to support you but have hidden intentions.

  5. Habits and Truth: A person’s habits reveal their true nature and lineageActions speak louder than appearances.

Overcoming Judgment and Arrogance

It’s easy to judge others, but these quotes remind us that everyone has their own challengesArrogance often hides in the heart, and it’s important to focus on our own actions rather than criticizing others.

The Value of Honesty and Kindness

An honest person often has to explain themselves more than a dishonest one. Responding to disrespect with kindness and respect can make others reflect on their behavior.

Finding Peace and Responsibility

If you want peace, don’t destroy the peace of others. These quotes emphasize responsibility and self-reflection. Before pointing fingers, look at yourself in the mirror.

Embracing Change and Aspirations

Change is often forced upon us, but it’s necessary for growth. Even when life feels like poison, keep breathing and hold onto your aspirations.

Detailed Breakdown of Each Quote

1. کچھ راستوں پر پاؤں نہیں دل تھک جاتے ہیں

Translation: On some paths, it’s not the feet that tire, but the heart.
Meaning: Emotional exhaustion can be more draining than physical effort. This quote reminds us to take care of our mental and emotional well-being.

2. عام لوگوں کی شدید کمی ہے، ہر کوئی خود کو خاص سمجھتا ہے

Translation: There’s a severe lack of ordinary people; everyone considers themselves special.
Meaning: In a world where everyone seeks attention, humility is rare. This quote encourages us to value simplicity and authenticity.

3. مانگی ہوئی محبت زہر سے بھی بدتر ہوتی ہے

Translation: Begged-for love is worse than poison.
Meaning: Love should be genuine and mutual. Forcing or begging for affection leads to toxicity.

4. منافق جب کسی کو گرانا چاہتا ہے تو اس کو دھکا نہیں سہارا دیتا ہے

Translation: When a hypocrite wants to bring someone down, they don’t push them; they offer support.
Meaning: Hypocrites often disguise their malice as help. Be wary of those who pretend to support you but have ulterior motives.

5. عادتیں نسلوں کا پتہ دیتی ہیں، ماتھے پر کسی کا نہیں لکھا ہوتا

Translation: Habits reveal one’s lineage; nothing is written on anyone’s forehead.
Meaning: A person’s true character is reflected in their habits, not their appearance or words.

6. دنیا کا سب سے مشکل کام اپنا کام سے کام رکھنا ہے

Translation: The most difficult task in the world is to mind your own business.
Meaning: People often interfere in others’ lives instead of focusing on their own. This quote encourages self-awareness and responsibility.

7. چمچ جس برتن میں رہتا ہے اُسے خالی کر دیتا ہے

Translation: The spoon that lives in the pot empties it.
Meaning: Beware of those who only take and never give. This quote warns against selfish individuals.

8. دوسروں کو بے عمل سمجھنا یہ بھی دل میں چھپا ایک تکبر ہے

Translation: Considering others inactive is also a form of hidden arrogance.
Meaning: Judging others without understanding their struggles reflects arrogance. Practice empathy instead.

9. غلطی اسی سے ہوتی ہے جو محنت کرتا ہے

Translation: Mistakes happen to those who work hard.
Meaning: Don’t fear failure; it’s a part of growth. Critics who don’t take risks have no right to judge.

10. عورت کو عزت رب نے تحفہ میں دی ہے، اور مرد کو کمانی پڑتی ہے

Translation: A woman’s respect is a gift from God, while a man must earn it.
Meaning: Respect for women is inherent, while men must prove their worth through actions.

1. Quotes About Wisdom


(ہم تعلیم خرید سکتے ہیں لیکن عقل خدا کا عطا کردہ تحفہ ہے۔ (سعادت حسن منٹو 

hum taleem khareed sakte hain lekin aqal khuda ka ata karda tohfa hai. (Saadat Hasan Manto)

“We can buy education, but wisdom is the gift of God.” (Saadat Hasan Manto)

This quote by Saadat Hasan Manto—a famous Pakistani short story writer—indicates that wisdom and education are not one and the same, and that wisdom is far superior to education. While you can buy education, true wisdom is endowed by God Almighty. 


عقلمند ہے وہ شخص جو انجام سوچ کر کام کرے۔ (حضرت علی) 

Aqal mand hai woh shakhs jo anjaam soch kar kaam kare. (Hazrat Ali)

“Wise is the person who thinks about the result before doing something.” (Hazrat Ali)

This is an Islamic quote by Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam. It highlights the foresightedness of a sage, and it can be used to compliment someone who anticipates the aftermath of a deed—or to admonish those who act without thought of the future. It’s a near equivalent of the English quote, “Think before you leap.”


 مصیبت اگر انسان کو دولتمند نہیں تو عقلمند ضرور بنا دیتی ہے۔

museebat agar insaan ko dolatmand nahi to aqal mand zaroor bana deti hai.

“Adversity makes a person wise if not wealthy.”

You can use this particular quote to console someone who is facing hard times.

2. Quotes About Struggle and Success

Spend enough time in Pakistan, and you’re likely to hear a few inspirational quotes in Urdu. Life can get tough, and these uplifting words can make all the difference. 
    • → If you enjoy these quotes and want more, make sure you visit our vocabulary lists of the 

Top 10 Inspirational Urdu Quotes

    •  and the 

Top 11 Urdu Quotes About Success



انسان کے لئے وہی کچھ ہے جس کے لئے وہ کوشش کرے۔ (القرآن)

insaan ke liye wohi kuch hai jis ke liye wo koshish kare. (Al-Quraan)

“A man gets only what he strives for.” (Al-Quraan)

This quote is perfect for boosting someone’s morale! The quote also takes precedence over the others in this section because of its religious background, being taken from The Holy Quran.


 محنت اتنی خاموشی سے کرو کہ تمھاری کامیابی شور مچا دے۔

mehnat itni khamoshi se karo ke tumhari kamyabi shor macha de.

“Work hard in silence and let your success make the noise.”

This Urdu quote is a near equivalent of the English saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” It indicates that if you keep working hard, a day will come when your success becomes obvious to others.


بڑی منزلوں کے مسافر چھوٹا دل نہیں رکھتے۔ (وااصف علی واصف) 

badhi manzilon ke musafir chota dil nahi rakhte. (Wasif Ali Wasif)

“Those destined for greater destinations keep a bigger heart.” (Wasif Ali Wasif)

This quote is a near equivalent of, “Not failure, but low aim, is a crime.” It comes from the pen of famous Urdu scholar Wasif Ali Wasif. It means that one should never aim for lower goals and to keep the target and objectives high.


 ذرا نم ہو تو یہ مٹی بڑی ذرخیز ہے ساقی (علامہ اقبال)

zara num ho to yeh matti bari zarkhez hai saqi.(Allama Iqbal)

“This soil is very fertile; just a drop of water is needed.” (Allama Iqbal)

This quote was penned by the national poet of Pakistan, Doctor Allama Muhammad Iqbal. It describes the presence of potential talent in someone that, with only a little circumstantial prompting, will grow into something spectacular. It’s used when someone with limited resources brings extraordinary achievements.

A Man Waving His Arm in the Air Upon Reaching the Top of a Mountain

3. Quotes About Life

The world over, people have been trying to pinpoint the meaning of life and our existence. Read through these thought-provoking quotes about life in Urdu to gain some cultural perspective on how Pakistanis view this phenomenon.


زندگی خود راستے بناتی ہے، راستے زندگی نہیں بناتے۔ (سعادت حسن منٹو) 

zindagi khud raaste banati hai, raaste zindagi nahi banate. (Saadat Hasan Manto)

“Life determines its course, courses do not determine life.” (Saadat Hasan Manto)

Saadat Hasan Manto’s quote refers to life as the driving force in determining one’s course. It doesn’t matter which way you choose to go, because life has its plans to execute.

A Straight Road Showing a Path with Some Clouds in the Sky


 زندگی ریاضی کا سوال نہیں جس کا جواب معلوم ہو سکے۔ (واصف علی واصف)

zindagi riyazi ka sawal nahi jis ka jawab maloom ho sake.(Wasif Ali Wasif)

“Life is not a question of mathematics where the answer must be known.” (Wasif Ali Wasif)

This quote explains the enigmatic nature of life. It emphasizes that life is not a mathematical problem that has a definite answer. You can use this quote whenever you’re facing inexplicable circumstances.


 زندگی جبرِ مسلسل کی طرح کاٹی ہے جانے کس جرم کی پائی ہے سزا یاد نہیں (ساغر صدیقی)

 zindagi jabre musalsal ki tarah kaati hai jaane kis jurm ki paayi hai saza yaad nahi. (Saghar Siddiqui)

“I have spent my life like a continuous coercion; I don’t know why I have been punished.” (Saghar Siddiqui)

In Pakistan, people often quote poetic couplets in conversation. This couplet is from the very famous Urdu poet Saghir Siddiqui. It speaks of the tyranny of life, with the poet crying about his continuous sufferings and lamenting for his punishment of an unknown crime. You can use this couplet to comment on the sufferings of someone else or to underline your own sufferings.


زندگی ہے یا کوئی طوفان ہے

zindagi hai ya koi toofan hai

“Is it my life or some kind of a storm?”

This is another popular couplet, often used to comment on the cruelty of life.

4. Quotes About Time

Time is priceless, and Pakistanis have quite a lot to say on the matter. Read through the following Urdu quotes about time to gain some cultural perspective!


وقت اچھا بھی آئے گا ناصر غم نہ کر زندگی پڑی ہے ابھی (ناصر کاظمی) 

waqt acha bhi aaye gaa nasir gham na kar zindagi parhi hai abhi. (Nasir Kazmi)

“The time will change (Mr. Nasir), there is still a long way to go in this life.” (Nasir Kazmi)

The well-renowned Pakistani poet Nasir Kazmi penned this couplet, in which he forbids sorrow and states that the good times will soon follow, and that life is very long. You can use this quote whenever you want someone to be more hopeful and optimistic.  


 وقت تو وقت پر بدلتا ہے لیکن انسان کسی بھی وقت بدل سکتا ہے۔

waqt to waqt per badalta hai lekin insaan kisi bhi waqt badal sakta hai.

“Time changes at its time but a person can change any time.”

This Urdu quote is used to complain about the transient nature of human beings. It accentuates the fact that time changes over a specified period, but human beings are fickle and may change spontaneously. You can use this quote when someone betrays or disappoints you.


 مشکل وقت سبھی پر آتا ہے کوئی بکھر جاتا ہے کوئی نکھر جاتا ہے۔

mushkil waqt sabhi per aata hai koi bikhar jaata hai koi nikhar jaata hai

“Everyone passes through hard times; some get scattered while the others survive to shine.”

This is the type of quote a leader may use to console an audience and encourage them to pass through an ordeal with dignity to come out victorious.


وقت، اعتبار اور عزت ایسے پرندے ہیں جو اڑ جائیں تو واپس نہیں آتے۔

waqt, aitbaar aur izzat aisay parinde hain jo udh jayain to wapas nahi aate.

“Time, trust, and respect are like those birds that do not return after they fly away once.”

This quote means that you can trust someone only once; after you have been betrayed or let down, that trust vanishes forever.


5. Quotes About Love

Love is universal, and you’ll find a huge collection of love quotes in the Urdu language. Here are just a few of our favorites.

    • → If you want to learn more bittersweet words on love and romance, visit our vocabulary lists of 

Urdu Quotes About Love

Urdu Breakup Quotes

5. Quotes About Love

Love of family and friends is an inseparable part of human nature. Let’s go over a few Urdu quotes on friendship and family to help you gain some cultural insight into how Pakistanis view these topics.

    • → Also check out our vocabulary lists of the 

Top 10 Urdu Quotes About Friendship   or Top 10 Urdu Quotes About Family


 ہر اس دوست پر بھروسہ کرو جو مشکل میں تمھارے کام آیا ہو۔ (حضرت علی)

her uss dost par bharosa karo jo mushkil mei tumhare kaam aya ho. (Hazrat Ali)

“Trust every friend who helped you in hard times.” (Hazrat Ali)

Here’s another Islamic quote by Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam. It guides us to trust a friend who remains helpful in difficult situations.


 رشتے نبھانے کا ظرف نہ ہو تو رشتے بنانے سے پرہیز کریں۔

rishte nibhane ka zarf na ho to rishte banane se perhez karain.

“If you do not know how to maintain relationships, avoid making them.”

You can use this phrase when a person is unable to meet your expectations regarding the maintenance of your relationship.


 تین رشتے تین وقتوں میں پہچانے جاتے ہیں۔ اولاد بڑھاپے میں، بیوی غربت میں، دوست مصیبت میں

teen rishte teen waqton mein pehchane jaate hain. Aulad budhapey mei, biwi ghurbat mei, dost musibat mein

“These three relations are tested three times. Children in your old age, wife in your poverty, and friends while you are in trouble.”

This quote emphasizes the need for caring children in old age, a cooperative wife in poverty, and a helpful friend in times of need.

Family Members Showing Concern for the Old Mom


 اچھے لوگوں کا ملنا ہی اچھے مستقبل کی ضمانت ہے۔

ache logon ka milna hi ache mustaqbil ki zamanat hai.

“Meeting good people is the guarantee of a good future.”

This quote can be used as an Urdu greeting upon meeting someone for the first time, especially if you see this person being in your future.


 کسی رشتے کو کتنی بھی محبت سے باندھا جائے لیکن اگر عزت اور لحاظ چلا جائے تو محبت بھی چلی جاتی ہے۔

kisi rishte ko kitni bhi mohabbat se bandha jaye lekin agar izzat aur lihaaz chala jaye to mohabbat bhi chali jati hai.

“It does not matter how much you love a relationship; if respect and forbearance departs, they take away the love with them.”

This Urdu quote highlights the importance of respect in maintaining a solid relationship.


برے دوست سے بچو ایسا نہ ہو کہ وہ تمھارا تعارف بن جائے۔ (امام مالک)

burey dost say bacho aisa na ho ka woh tumhara taaruf ban jaaye. (Imam Malik)

“Avoid a bad friend lest he become your introduction.” (Imam Malik)

This is another Islamic quote from Imam Malik, asking us to refrain from being in the company of bad friends. It is nearly equivalent to the English adage, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”

7. Some Funny Quotes

To close, let’s digress from the serious business with some comic relief.


 سمجھدار آدمی نظر ہمیشہ نیچی اور نیت خراب رکھتا ہے۔ (مشتاق احمد یوسفی)

samajhdar aadmi nazar hamesha neechi aur niyyat kharab rakhta hai. (Mushtaq Ahmad Yousafi)

“A wise man always keeps his eyes down and intentions bad.” (Mushtaq Ahmad Yousafi)

This quote is often used in reference to a person who pretends to be noble but, inwardly, is lecherous.


محبت انسان کو اندھا کر دیتی ہے اور پھر شادی یہ بینائی لوٹاتی ہے۔ (ڈاکٹر محمد یونس بٹ) 

mohabbat insan ko andha kar deti hai aur phir shaadi yeh beenai lotathi hai. (Dr. Muhammd Younis Butt)

“Love makes a person blind, but his eyesight returns after marriage.” (Dr. Muhammd Younis Butt)

In Pakistan, many married men enjoy taunting their wives with this quote.


خاوند کے لئے بیوی کو سمجھنا کوئی مشکل نہیں، بشرطیکہ وہ دوسرے کی ہو۔ (ڈاکٹر محمد یونس بٹ) 

khawand ke liye biwi ko samjhna koi mushkil nahi, bashart ye k woh doosre ki ho. (Dr. Muhammd Younis Butt)

“It is not difficult for a man to know a wife, but the only pre-condition is someone else’s wife.” (Dr. Muhammd Younis Butt)

Now it’s the married women’s turn! They often use this quote to make fun of their husbands who fail to understand their own wives, but claim to understand the miseries of other women.

8. Conclusion

In the tapestry of life, Urdu quotes are like golden threads, weaving together wisdom, emotion, and resilience. They remind us that life is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, tears and smiles, losses and gains. These quotes are not just words; they are mirrors reflecting our deepest emotions, guiding lights illuminating our paths, and gentle whispers soothing our souls.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let these quotes be our companions. Let them teach us to embrace humility in success, kindness in adversity, and gratitude in abundance. Let them remind us that love is a gift, respect is earned, and peace is cultivated through understanding.

May these Urdu quotes inspire you to live with courage, to love with purity, and to dream with boundless hope. Share them with the world, for in their simplicity lies the power to transform hearts and minds. Let these words be a testament to the beauty of life, the strength of the human spirit, and the timeless wisdom of a language that speaks to the soul.

Here’s to a life filled with positivity, growth, and unwavering faith—a life where every moment is a reflection of the profound truths hidden in these beautiful Urdu quotes.